6 Ways to Manage and Prevent Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a chronic, painful, and inflammatory disease that affects the skin and nails, leading to disfigurement and disability. It can happen to anyone, but people aged 50 and above are at higher risk than others. Genes and a weak immune system are considered to be the significant causes of psoriasis. Other triggers include sunburn, infections, trauma, underlying diseases, treatment side effects, and stress. This article will discuss ways to manage psoriasis effectively. Psoriasis and its impact on the body Psoriasis is caused by a dysfunction in the immune system resulting in inflammation. The inflammation causes lesions, bumps, raised plaques, and scales on the skin. When our immune system works well, our skin cells grow and shed once in fifteen days. When affected by psoriasis, the skin cells pile up instead of shedding, and the accumulated plaque build-up can burn, sting, or cause an itch. Psoriasis may affect both the internal and external organs. Externally it usually affects the elbows, knees, and scalp. Internally it can affect any tissues and our organs. In some, it may affect the joints causing psoriatic arthritis. People with psoriasis are also at risk for cardiovascular diseases, hyperpigmentation, Chron’s disease, psychological disorders, and uveitis. Since there is no cure, treatment aims to control the symptoms and prevent remission.
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